
Vemag company actively operates in 3 offices in Zagreb, where he employed 13 workers.

VeMaG d.o.o.
Zavrtnica 17, 10 000 Zagreb
Tel: 01 / 5391 - 463, 01 / 5391 - 469, 01 / 5391 - 461
Fax: 01 / 5391 - 470
e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


Bistro "MOSTOVI" Open type - Restaurant of Bosnia and Herzegovina kitchen

Radnička cesta 1a, 10 000 Zagreb

Web: e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Tel :01 / 6192 - 178 ; Mob : 099/ 3322 - 151

Caffe bar "IN" PBZ
Radnička cesta 44/2 kat, 10 000 Zagreb
Tel: 01 / 6361 - 950

Caffe bar "IN2" PBZ
Radnička cesta 50/2 kat , 10 000 Zagreb
Tel: 01 / 6361 - 980